
So, yeah, I’m having another one of those show things, where you come look at my paintings, silently judge me, and run off into the night… except this one is gonna be different. You better come or you’ll miss ALL THE FUN.
First, the stats…
olive47 presents colourlovers.
DECEMBER 12, 7-11…
NELSON STREET GALLERY, CASTLEBERRY HILL,ATLANTA. (the flyest gallery in town, for sure)

Since I’m all shy and such, I’ve invited the glamourous Brigette Bidet to be Mistress of Ceremonies for the evening.
Some people don’t know this, but Miss Bidet has a Master degree in Dance, and I’ve asked her to choreograph a number to an idea I had using some props I’ve made. Beyond that, we are developing a beautiful stage show to tantalize you into showing up and hopefully, the love and friendship that’s built this show will keep you here throughout the evening to the evolutionary disco party that will take over the space. I want ya’ll to have a super fun time and to keep this in your hearts. Because I love you.

Here’s the first in several teaser videos my friend Modou has made for the show.

(direct link)

enjoy and please come. I want to meet you. You are special.