So, old lappylop47 had to go to the computer store for a few days and I’ve had lots of adventures in the absence of it.
RJ Vandalog asked a few artists to tell them their first impression or thoughts on Os Gemeos for Complex magazine. I ran my mouth a bit. Go read the article.
Quite a few awesome people were in town for the 4th annual Living Walls conference that takes place here in Atlanta. As a 2012 featured artist, I want to congratulate the staff on an excellent group of murals and series of events. The work in the Summerhill district stands out as my favourite location, as it has really transformed a desolate section of my neighborhood into a place of beauty.
RJ and Caroline from Vandalog, as well as Diana from Miami Street Art, came in town, and we went on a series of excursions through abandoned Atlanta and drank a couple beers too. Is the plural of beer, beers, or just beer, like deer? Please let me know.