
Hey! I’m having a solo show in Atlanta next month. If you’re in town, please come to Hodgepodge on Nov 7, from 7-9pm and check out my latest paintings and installation!

olive47_postcard   “There are moments when all anxiety and stated toil are becalmed in the infinite leisure and repose of nature. “- Henry David Thoreau

I wrote a big long artist’s statement about this show and how the work is about the ideas of nature and cultivation and growth and reproduction and all this smarty pants stuff, but it sounded pretentious and gross, so I scrapped that. And then I wrote one that was a bit more “quirky”(god, how I hate that word) and fun to read, but that didn’t really say anything about the work. Then I decided the viewer should just come look and decide what it means to them, because who cares what it means to me once it’s all gone through my brain, down through my arms and out my fingers.